速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Raja

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Raja





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:399, Boylston, St., Suite 300 Bostan MA, 02116, Bostan, USA.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖1)-速報App

Radio Rajasthan (HD)- “Rangeelo Mharo Des”

Radio Rajasthan (HD) is the 1st & No.1 World Radio from India for Rajasthani & Marwari Community with a wonder & the most soothing blend of Rajasthani & Hindi Songs, Community Awaz, intended towards Community Unity & Peace!

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖2)-速報App

Rajasthan literally means Land of Kings.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖3)-速報App

Traditionally the- Rajputs, Gurjars, Jats, Meenas, Bhils, Rajpurohit, Charans, Yadavs, Bishnois, Meghwal, Sermals, PhulMali (Saini) and other tribes made a great contribution in building the state of Rajasthan. All these tribes suffered great difficulties in protecting their culture and the land. Millions of them were killed trying to protect their land.

Radio Rajasthan is all about preserving the tradition, heritage, cultures, food & the Music.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖4)-速報App

Radio Rajasthan is culturally rich and has artistic and cultural traditions which reflect the ancient Indian way of life. There is rich and varied folk culture from villages which are often depicted as a symbol of the state. Highly cultivated classical music and dance with its own distinct style is part of the cultural tradition of Rajasthan. The music has songs that depict day-to-day relationships and chores, often focused around fetching water from wells or ponds.

It is the Voice of People. We invite all the Community across the Globe to come up & share their talents on Radio Rajasthan from India as Radio Jockey & Community Reporters.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖5)-速報App

Share your positive thoughts via audio Clips that you receive via social media & whats app. You can also record audio in your own voice on your smart phones in MP3 & share. We shall play them.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖6)-速報App

Radio Rajasthan is a powerful media & plays content related to careers, Govt Jobs, Govt Schemes, Local News, National News, Community News, health fitness, etc. It’s a great platform to reach millions across the world.

We request your Esteemed Support via Donation (Cash or Kind in the form of Adds). The funds shall be utilized towards the operational expanses of Radio Rajasthan, team, Community Reporters & running the Community Radio.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖7)-速報App

Please Share World Radio Rajasthan among-st your Friends via Whats App & all the Social media. We request you to kindly rate us 5 stars & help us take this media to the Top in the World.

Careers- If you are interested in becoming the Citizen journalists & Community reporters, kindly contact us.

Radio Rajasthan- Community Radio of Rajasthan(圖8)-速報App


Radio Rajasthan (HD)- “Rangeelo Mharo Des”

Contact us- maheshnohariya@gmail.com, radiorajasthan@gmail.com